FTR 02: Mind Manipulation


We humans like to think that our thoughts are our own and that we have original thoughts all the time. But what if we told you that those thoughts and feelings have been planted by outside forces that want to lead you down a certain thought process. What if we told you that your thoughts about religion, politics, sex, race and many other ideologies you feel so strongly about have been slowly implanted day by day, year by year since your birth. It cant be you say! Well, just sit back and keep an open mind to what we are going to talk about today on Fire Theft Radio. Mind manipulation or “brainwashing” as the controlled media has come to call it, is a practice that is backed by main stream science and has even been used by our own government to control the masses and individuals. We discuss all these possibilities and many more. Below are the show notes. Please take a moment to read and watch the information we have based our ideas on. There are plenty more of course, so feel free to do your own research and come up with your own conclusion. You don’t have to take our word for it.

Nervous system patent

5 media companies

Mk Ultra/CIA experiments

Placebo Effect