About Us


FTR_guysWho are we?

Who are you? Is what you should be asking. What has been influencing your life, what experiences have shaped you to become the person you are? Did you consciously decide to think about the world you are living in all on your own or where you influenced by outside forces to think and react a certain way to the world around you. Have you been influenced by your education system, government, church friends and families? We know we where and we started to ask questions. And the answers to those questions where a lot more difficult to accept than we expected.

We are just 2 regular guys with day jobs who started to notice that the world around them was more complicated than just having a nine to five. So we started doing research and from one conspiracy to another we started to realize that this world is not what we thought it was. After digging into some of the most insane conspiracies and fringe topics for the last 2 years we decided to do something about it. Thus Fire Theft Radio was born.

Fire Theft Radio came into being because we want to share this same information with the rest of the world. This information that changed our lives can possibly help some other person who is out there, also searching for answers. We want to bring these truths so that the listener may also share it with others and awake the masses as to what is going on in our world.

FTR may not have all the answers but we promise to look into all the topics no matter where that road may lead. Our views might change over time but it will be for the best because we are all on this journey of discovery together and remember to spread the fire.

Check out Chuck and Omar’s testimonies below!